These are absolutely breathtaking in person

Illustration for article titled These are absolutely breathtaking in person
Photo: Me

At least... If viewed from the correct angle. I don’t care how beloved the boxer engine is, those tumors sticking a foot out on either side are hideous.

Illustration for article titled These are absolutely breathtaking in person
Photo: Me

In other motorcycle news, the closest new wr250r for sale near me is 160 miles away. It seems the local dealers are having trouble keeping anything in stock. Sales manager said that in addition to the bare bones moto inventory, they’d been sold out completely on their *entire* multi-brand lineup of jetski’s for over a week.


Guess I’ll check back in a few months when I’ll actually be on the market.

Oh, and team orange is bringing over the Duke 200 to America! At $3999, it’s smack dab in the middle of the mini-moto catagory, priced above the Grom, z125 pro, and Chinese offerings, but below Suzuki’s Van Van, Honda’s Monkey, and the poor GSX-R 250 that Suzuki has seemingly forgotten about.


You think KTM will sponsor us and send a hundred or so for an OPPO league?

Illustration for article titled These are absolutely breathtaking in person
Photo: Me