I want it I need it, need it, to make me feel heated

I, like many others, yearn to own things that will be very rare and VERY expensive by the time I have bank statements with actual commas in them. Things like a 1969 Dodge Charger and a Porsche 928 S4. But this, I would actually consider selling an organ to drive every day. I cannot believe the design of the E34 5 Series dates back to 1987. JUST LOOK AT IT:


The shape, the wheels, the stateliness. I am not a BMW fan, and I’ve known stereotypical bimmer bois, but this is peak BMW. Small displacement V8, manual transmission, and perfect body lines. This example sold on BAT for a staggering $23,788 back in 2017. It is some special spec 1 of 32 but still, prices for minty E34's is TOO DAMN HIGH.

I just needed to share my want for a nice thing with car people who might understand.


My 1998 LS400 for your time

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