What it cost to buy, fix, and sell a $20 bicycle

Photo: Akio

The “saga” of my $20 bike has come to a close. But before I launch into it... lets go with a brief summary. Back in June I decided to buy some air tools and a beat up Schwinn bike. The bike needed a ton of work and I decided it would be a fun project.


It wasn’t, but I thought it had potential.

Illustration for article titled What it cost to buy, fix, and sell a $20 bicycle
Photo: Akio

Long story short, I ended up with quite a few bikes, determining the bike was too small for me and ended up with another old bike that fit better. Also another old Schwinn because I can stop buying bikes whenever I want to!

Anyway, with five total bicycles at a house with only two people, I knew I needed to sell one. While I like the Varsity, of the two old Schwinns I owned it was the worst. The World had better tires, more standard parts, better shifters, and I did a better job on the rebuild.

Photo: Akio

So the varsity went up for sale.

But first I stripped it for parts!

Namely I removed the flat bars and replaced them with the factory drop bars that came with it. I opted to wrap the new bars with some perforated fake, brown leather bar tape to hopefully appeal to the type person who might want to buy this bike. I went ahead and added in some brown hoods for good measure too. I also removed the fenders so I could fit them to my World. Lastly I took off all the electrical stuff that came with it in case I want to use it later.


Then I listed it for sale for $175 because why not?

Photo: Akio

A man just came by and paid me $150 for it.

Total Cost

So how much did it cost me to get this old junker back on the road?

Initially, $153 plus the cost of the bike, which we’re calling $20.


  • Bike purchase: $20
  • Initial costs: $153
  • Trip Computer: $30
  • Bar tape: $12
  • Hoods: $12

But we also have to get credit some of the parts I saved!


  • Flatbar: $16
  • Grips: $11
  • Fenders: $25*
  • Brake levers: $5*
  • Generator: $0
  • Lights: $0
  • Sale Price: $150

*Unknown or subjective value so valuing at 1/2 replacement cost

Grand Total: -$20

All in, the bike cost me $20 to own. Honestly I’m pretty happy with that and hope the bike goes to a good home.


TERRIBLE photo of the doggos, for your time.

Photo: Akio