Elective Truck Surgery (Updated)

Awaiting surgery
Awaiting surgery
Photo: Some bumfuck pennsyltuckian

Just dropped her off an hour ago at a 4wd specialist shop to do the Eaton Truetrac diff install. They said they can get started on Wednesday, and should have it ready by Friday.


Sick rooster tails here I come!

UPDATE 8/27: I stopped by the shop because I was driving along that way to see what the status was, they have everything apart and the ring installed on the new diff but they’re waiting on shims that were missing from the seal and bearing kit they got for it, should be in tomorrow. Then they can button her up, put a few miles on and make sure everything is copacetic. They said the ring and pinion were in great condition, with only minimal wear at the expected central contact points of the teeth.

Illustration for article titled Elective Truck Surgery (Updated)
Image: The Tetragrammaton