Vanity plates, part deux

It’s official, you can go to the SAAQ website and order yourself a vanity plate in Quebec.


Of course, the site crashed in the first few hours of service, according to the CBC.


Like any modern government service, this is only available online. And the opening hours are... no, I’m not kidding, the website has opening hours! Requests for plates must be made during the website’s business hours, or they will be rejected. Is this to prevent late-night tomfoolery? Perhaps, because I’ll bet you there are no public servants sitting up and approving these requests until 11pm.

Unfortunately for the idle curious and for outsiders, one must provide identification before requesting a 7-letter plate that says “lamarde” or “bigjnsn” or whatever clever idea you had. This makes it hard for serious users to test the waters as well.


Oh well, it’s not like I had any intention of actually using the service, but it would have been fun to play with nonetheless.


Part one here: