My Confessions

Since it seems oppo is going down the drain for good this time, I feel like I may as well admit some things before it’s gone.

photograph of train
Photo: my personal collection

I don’t like to brag so I’ve never brought it up here before. But I’ve made things for the FP on several occasions. And for other publications. I made rather a lot of things for Road & Track. Oppo was, for a lot of these jobs, the open door that got me into contact with the people I wanted to work with.

Remember when Mr. Regular wrote articles for R&T a few years ago? I made the illustrations for those. All of them.

car illustration
Illustration: me. i made this.

I’m compelled for contractual reasons to make the distinction that I was not an employee of R&T, I just sold them some content.

car illustration
Illustration: me, I made this.

I tend to keep the art side of my life completely distinct from all other areas, so I never brought this up before. But why not spill the beans. And yes, in the video where Mr. Regular goes to Austin, that’s my Saab he rides in (although he declined to drive it).


I’ve also done illustrations elsewhere, not always about cars. But they’ve also appeared here on Jalopnik, as well I’ve written a couple or articles for the site about vintage cars/tech.

I’ve also met and made friends with a lot of people because of this site, and been involved in adventures and exploits because of it. Ridiculous things. Road trips, barn find rescues, gambler 500s... Oppo has been at least tangentially involved in some of the most memorable times of my life during the past six or so years. I’m sorry to see it go, and thankful for all of the opportunities it allowed me, to enrich my life through fulfilling (and sometimes agonizing, but character building) experiences.