New hobby becoming an obsession

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Its only been two months since I bought my first one and now I've completed three, have one in process, and four more waiting to get built.


The toughest part is having to wait inbetween painting and decaling, assembly, and clear coat. I'm not the most patient so I end up making a few mistakes by trying to build too quickly.

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But with each consecutive one I'm getting a little bit better. For awhile I was worried I'd give it up because the results of my second model were pretty rough, but by taking my time on this Benetton I finally feel like I'm getting the hang of it. Now I've got a Lotus 97t in the works.

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The B188 has some paint flaws from masking. Unlike real car paints these like the lightest coats of paint and really wet first applies, so my first shots on the engine cover and tub have some rough/overlapped edges. Some of the bigger decals tore as I tried to peel them off the paper sheet and I'm finding I don't like the big ones despite being easier to handle. The smaller decals are much easier to apply despite the size with the right tool (shish kabob stick).

More updates to come as I delve deeper down the rabbit hole. I coincidentally discovered that my girlfriend got me an airbrushing kit for Christmas, so a new range of mistakes will be following.