Neighborhood watch craziness

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Screenshot: 2020

We’re shopping for houses and I was investigating some neighborhood FB pages for giggles when I came across this. Further down the thread, one of them talks about being frustrated that they called the police about this and the police didn’t respond. Maybe because no crime was being committed!?


I currently live in Kent, WA and I’ve gotten some pretty disappointing reactions from people when I mention that. It’s a middle class suburb of Seattle, and not as overwhelmingly white as a lot of the PNW. For reference, the median home price is $493,000 (low for the Seattle area, but not exactly affordable). Multiple people I’ve talked to over the 11 years I’ve lived here have mentioned how “scary” or “sketchy” it is here. One of them was even here after dark one time! Obviously that’s coded language, which makes it all the more disappointing.

Anyway, I just wish suburban white people weren’t so terrified all the time.