68 C10 Restoration Update - Part 2 Becoming a Short Box

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Picking right up from Part 1

The long box on the truck was the worst part of the all the sheet metal and looking at costs, it was cheaper in the long run to shorten the truck to a factory length short box and buy a brand new bed. So that what happened. The back half of the long box will live on though as a bench. (The orange and white box is from a 71 C10 my grandfather restored)

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Illustration for article titled 68 C10 Restoration Update - Part 2 Becoming a Short Box
Illustration for article titled 68 C10 Restoration Update - Part 2 Becoming a Short Box
Illustration for article titled 68 C10 Restoration Update - Part 2 Becoming a Short Box
Illustration for article titled 68 C10 Restoration Update - Part 2 Becoming a Short Box
Illustration for article titled 68 C10 Restoration Update - Part 2 Becoming a Short Box
Illustration for article titled 68 C10 Restoration Update - Part 2 Becoming a Short Box

After the new bed was assembled it was time to cut the frame down on the truck. When converting a C10 from a long to short box, you have to cut the frame on both sides of the rear end. The rear is easy, just lop off the excess and drill new bumper bracket holes. The front is a little more work. My grandfather has been shortening these trucks since the 70's so got to learn from someone experienced. Basically cut the frame in front of the trailing arm cross member, remove the cab mounts, slice the top and bottom of the frame rail channel, slide the frame back together, drill holes and bolt in place to hold it while you then weld the frame up and weld the bolts solid for a little extra strength.

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Illustration for article titled 68 C10 Restoration Update - Part 2 Becoming a Short Box
Illustration for article titled 68 C10 Restoration Update - Part 2 Becoming a Short Box
Illustration for article titled 68 C10 Restoration Update - Part 2 Becoming a Short Box
Illustration for article titled 68 C10 Restoration Update - Part 2 Becoming a Short Box
Illustration for article titled 68 C10 Restoration Update - Part 2 Becoming a Short Box
Illustration for article titled 68 C10 Restoration Update - Part 2 Becoming a Short Box
Illustration for article titled 68 C10 Restoration Update - Part 2 Becoming a Short Box
Illustration for article titled 68 C10 Restoration Update - Part 2 Becoming a Short Box
Illustration for article titled 68 C10 Restoration Update - Part 2 Becoming a Short Box

Once the frame was tacked and bolted, loaded it up to have a welder finish the frame and run the exhaust on the truck.

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Illustration for article titled 68 C10 Restoration Update - Part 2 Becoming a Short Box
Illustration for article titled 68 C10 Restoration Update - Part 2 Becoming a Short Box
Illustration for article titled 68 C10 Restoration Update - Part 2 Becoming a Short Box

I’ll wrap up here and create a part 3 as there is still alot to update on to get to where the truck is currently.