Business Pitch: 2020 'Lil Red Express

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I really think that FCA could and should bring back this iconic truck. Like the 1970's we are at a crucial time for cars/trucks. Hybrids and electric cars are gaining ground, fuel standards for cars are more stringent and trucks are selling like hot cakes.


FCA already has done most of the work, just gotta slap some existing parts together and presto. instant classic.

Take one of these:

4X2 Dodge Ram 1500 with a BENCH SEAT!!!

Illustration for article titled Business Pitch: 2020 Lil Red Express

Pop in the drivetrain from the Trackhawk, same with the brakes and other goodies as needed.

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Throw on two badass stacks, shouldn’t be too hard given all the bros who have found a way.

And there you go!