Cleaning time! - Update: mmmm shiny photo dump

All done and shined up. Not bad for 101,000km.  We’re going to take the Mazda down south though.  Sorry.:

Illustration for article titled Cleaning time! - Update: mmmm shiny photo dump
Illustration for article titled Cleaning time! - Update: mmmm shiny photo dump
Illustration for article titled Cleaning time! - Update: mmmm shiny photo dump
Illustration for article titled Cleaning time! - Update: mmmm shiny photo dump
Illustration for article titled Cleaning time! - Update: mmmm shiny photo dump
Illustration for article titled Cleaning time! - Update: mmmm shiny photo dump
Illustration for article titled Cleaning time! - Update: mmmm shiny photo dump

Sure, it’s 5 above 0 degrees Celsius. Sure, it snowed this morning. But I’ll be damned if I have a dirty car. Just gotta wax it.

Before Pic:

Illustration for article titled Cleaning time! - Update: mmmm shiny photo dump