One Week to the PNW Cruise!

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I’m pretty pumped for the PNW Drive! Final plans etc. have been mailed out or you can get them here. Join the Discord here for comms leading up to and during the event! Total we are expecting 15-20 people, including some guests who will meet us at specific locations for portions of the drive.


You can see some spoiler photos of places we will stop here!

Other than that, if anyone is kicking around Langley/Surrey Friday night before the meet, we can meet for beer, I’ll have the truck! I’ll post my phone number in Discord.


I’ll have my sign in my car window, but I may change plates before the drive. I may change the CDN flag to a provincial flag?

Illustration for article titled One Week to the PNW Cruise!

Americans, please ensure you have adequate health coverage here, you factor in border wait times, you have emergency plans and that you have phone data coverage here!

Also, blend in!

Illustration for article titled One Week to the PNW Cruise!