I'm $5339.00 CDN Poorer

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That’s the cost of insurance this year on the Kia Forte & Fiesta. This includes a 40% discount on my basic rates ($1286 on the Fiesta, $1400 on the Forte with the discounts) and a theft prevention (LOL) discount.


Pretty bitter about paying $5300 to the company who is still fighting me on the CX-3

Fiesta: $2362

Pleasure Use, Less than 5000km

$1M 3rd Party Liability

$2M UMP (Underinsured Motorist Protection)

Forte: $2977.00

Business Use

$2M 3rd Party Liabilty

$2M UMP (Underinsured Motorist Protection)

Comp/Collision with a $300 Deductible