A test drive never hurt anyone..right?

Test drove a 5spd Impreza tonight. Overall, really like it. It’s a nicer, safer, AWD place to spend time than the Kia.

If I can get them down a bit and a good price for the Kia.... things may happen.

Look at all those blank buttons. I love base cars. If I buy this, I hope it snows a ton. Both because I want to do AWD snow drives and I will need the claims load to pay for it...


On a professional note, I am really trying to up my sales. Being an independent adjuster is really a sales role, I make commission on the time I bill.

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Illustration for article titled A test drive never hurt anyone..right?
Illustration for article titled A test drive never hurt anyone..right?
Illustration for article titled A test drive never hurt anyone..right?