Hot Take: Cleanliness is the Ultimate Luxury

Illustration for article titled Hot Take: Cleanliness is the Ultimate Luxury
Photo: CarsofFortLangely

Most of you know I have four cars, three of those I bought, one I inherited.

The three that I bought are all on the bottom rungs of their respective manufacturer’s offerings. A Golf variant, a Fiesta and a Forte, built with the best recycled pop bottle plastic and cost saving Mexican labour money can buy.


And I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Sure, I could have bought nicer cars, with leather, suede and all, but I prefer having a series of niche cars to fulfill specific needs/feelings rather than one “all rounder” that would leave me feeling nervous about driving it and maybe missing out on certain driving experiences (can’t off-road a Porsche or track a Jeep).


Also, I’ve long held the belief that “luxury” is mostly bullshit. Sure, leather, padding and soft touch materials are nice, but I can’t count the amount of times I’ve been in somebody’s higher end car and it’s been full of garbage, with streaks on the windows, brake dust on the rims and dust on the dash.

To me, the overall cleanliness of a vehicle is way, way more important than almost any other aspect.

Illustration for article titled Hot Take: Cleanliness is the Ultimate Luxury
Photo: CarsofFortLangely

When I get into a clean car in the morning to go to work or after my shift, the world feels right and in I’ve got all my shit together. I don’t care that what I am driving happens to be a Mexican made Korean sedan with no AC.


Conversely, the few times where I have had a rental/loaner in higher spec, I get in and immediately feel stressed.

I also take a huge amount of pride in the amount of times people have asked if my ST was brand new, even when it has 70,000 miles and 6 years of age under its belt. I’ve been in cars with 4,000 miles on the clock that seem to be on the path to the scrap heap already.


How does Oppo rank cleaning/cleanliness?

Illustration for article titled Hot Take: Cleanliness is the Ultimate Luxury
Photo: CarsofFortLangely