Goodbye Kia

A fitting end to a bizarre period in my automotive history. I bought it with literally no planning, just hopped onto autotrader and sorted new cars by price and proximity. Later that day I’d paid $11,500 (CAD) for a new Kia.

Illustration for article titled Goodbye Kia
Photo: CarsofFortLangely
Illustration for article titled Goodbye Kia
Photo: CarsofFortLangely

Similarly, I sold it with no planning. I hopped onto autotrader, ran it through the “instant cash offer” engine and presto! Sold it for $9800 after two years of ownership. In that time, I also wrote off the depreciation/interest and other expenses associated with it (maintenance/etc).


I bought this car because I needed something to use as a work vehicle for my job as an independent adjuster. I was going to go to lots of yucky places and didn’t want to destroy/mile out the ST.

I was given a $600 a month car allowance and I knew that by buying new I could write off the mileage/depreciation and, if I got something cheap, I could pocket some of that AND not carry as much financial risk if I got canned.


In the end, I did get laid off and, after 8 months of sitting in my garage, it’s time to let the Kia go. It fulfilled everything I asked of it.

Thanks to Oppo for coming on the journey!

Illustration for article titled Goodbye Kia
Photo: CarsofFortLangely
9mm bullet hole
9mm bullet hole
Photo: CarsofFortLangely
Illustration for article titled Goodbye Kia
Photo: CarsofFortLangely