Why Does (Did?) The Paceman Exist?

I was driving to work this morning and saw what I assumed was a Clubman (which I like) pull out into traffic in front of me. At the next red light, I ended up beside it and noted it was indeed a Paceman, not a Clubman.

After studying it, I was like.....why does this exist? It’s a two door, it’s huge (like, CUV size), it doesn’t seem to have much room or look like it would perform that well.

Illustration for article titled Why Does (Did?) The Paceman Exist?
Photo: CarsofFortLangely

I dunno, I’ve always been of the opinion that Mini is essentially a pointless brand that is built on a foundation of lies (look how British we are mein herr!). But this stands out as a stupid offering.


Still, it is refreshing to know that there is a whole brand out there based solely on hatchbacks somehow in 2020. Look at their lineup (and pricing) compared to Ford’s passenger car offerings....

Photo: CarsofFortLangely
Photo: CarsofFortLangely
