COFL's Goodbye Post

Goodbye Friends
Goodbye Friends
Photo: CarsofFortLangely

I thought I’d get this out before people start to bail.

Looks like 2020 is looking to add another victim and, unfortunately for us, it’s the place where we hang out online.


Due to COVID, I don’t have a lot going on these days, so I expect this to be the last post...or at least the last one of any value.

I don’t have a lot to say other than I’ve enjoyed reading everyone’s posts, sharing my life and meeting with a huge amount of you. Lots of fun times, fun drives and beers with friends.


You can find me on:

Twitter: @Fort_Cars

Discord: on the Oppo server

Reddit: r/oppositelock or u/CarsOfFortLangley



Drivetribe: Oppositelock Tribe and User: Kent Ratke (not too concerned about doxing myself on a dying site)


Please do reach out and say hi. It’d be good to keep in touch.