Watchlopnic: Garmin 235

Picked this guy up as a refurb an Amazon. Cheap, due to refurb and an updated model (245) being released.

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Size is nice. Anything bigger on my skinny wrist would be too much. The screen is nice and useful.

As a running watch, it’s fantastic. Picks up GPS in under 5 seconds. Accurate. Gives lots of great data, including a VO2 estimate. I like it!


Bonus charcoal review:

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Jealous Devil natural lump. Home Depot was out of charcoal, so this was what Amazon could deliver by today (Passover: brisket on the smoker). It burns nice and clean, but is difficult to start compared to Kingsford. For grilling purposes, the variation in size makes having an even heat source difficult, which may or may not be an issue depending on what your cooking.