Oppo kids show review: carmen sandiego

What: Carmen sandiego

Illustration for article titled Oppo kids show review: carmen sandiego
Photo: Netflix

Where: netflix

Rating: 11/10. The best kids show I’ve ever seen. Educational, engaging, exciting, well plotted. I’d watch this as an adult. I missed part of the episode my kids watched today, and there’s a decent chance I’ll go watch it to see what I missed (plot elements carry from episode to episode).


The plot is that carmen was being raised and trained to be a thief by am evil organization (V.I.L.E) which she eventually escaped and uses her training for good, to prevent things from being stolen by V.I.L.E. It’s a well done twist.

The episodes usually have a chase scene or a fight sequence, so 1st grade and up? I don’t know, my youngest turns 5 next week and he loves it. During the last episode there was a car chase through San Francisco complete with close-ups on the driver’s feet to get a load that hot clutch action. It’s that well done.


So go watch it. Seriously. Even if you don’t have kids.