
Illustration for article titled Oppositehousebuying

Yesterday was inspection day.

It... could have gone better.

The good: it’s still technically a house.

The bad: the septic system is not functioning. The floor drain in the basement is plugged and there’s new carpet down there. Also, the owners stated that it was pumped last month but the tank in brimmed. The drain field is obviously fubar’d and they lied on their disclosure.


The HVAC. It’s a 30+ year old train system. The condensate drain wasn’t even hooked up, and though heat was commanded at the thermostat, nothing happened at the unit. Shit.

The Ugly: The roof. It looked ugly, but my preliminary glance didn’t reveal water damage. some slight rot was found, nothing catastrophic, but it needs to be replaced NAOW!


We’re getting a full septic inspection so we know what we’re dealing with. I have low hopes of this deal going through. The owners are going through bankruptcy, so it’s an as-is kind of deal, and they don’t have the money to fix anything anyway. No bank is going to finance something without a functioning HVAC/roof/septic system.

We really really like the house/neighborhood, and we are sooooooo over house shopping... Pray for a miracle?