SEMA 2018 - Nobody famous is coming

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Last year, I was excited to see and meet the Roadkill boys in person (I even noted I acted like a complete dunce in front of Mike Finnegan on a SEMA 2017 post here on Oppo). Due to Motor Trend on Demand throwing the series (and Dirt Every Day and HotRod Garage) behind a stupid paywall (as did RoosterTeeth and a few other content producers; totally different rant), I’m finding myself not stoked in seeing anyone “famous” in the industry this year.


The list feels dismal. Reallt REALLY Dismal.

I mean for goddess sakes, they got this guy appearing as a celebrity:

Illustration for article titled SEMA 2018 - Nobody famous is coming

Okay waitwait, when was his show last aired........oh, 2007!!

And they have Jo Coddington.........the last time I saw American Hot Rod, it was back before 2008.


Okay, so let’s look at the list more thoroughly:

Jay Goldberg......meh......theirs a ton of Discovery/Velocity “Stars” appearing......haven’t been watching Street Outlaws as of late......Richard Petty, not really a NASCAR fan and his lines will be long........YouTube/Instagram star are now getting top billing, wtf..............Ken Blockhead.......


......wait, John Hennessey is signing?

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Ugh, at least I can fulfill one of my friends requests for Model Posters and Calendars......And go Thrifting. Savers and Goodwill on Tropicana.

Anyone know where I can find tons of VHS tapes for sale other than these two places in Vegas that is easily accessible by RTC?