Not my best vacation.

My daughter and I drove to Indy for thanksgiving over yesterday and today. We like to stay in West Memphis halfway. We rolled into Indy tonight. That’s when they told me Mom died last night.

She has been having health problems that I won’t detail now, but I figured we would have at least one more happy Christmas. She crashed unexpectedly at home and died with my dad, sister, and one of my brothers there. I wish I had been there to say goodbye, but I’m grateful she was as home with the others and not in a hospital.


Meeting at the funeral home tomorrow. I’m gonna drink for a bit and go to bed. I just felt the need to tap this out. It still hasn’t sunk in. Mom was the most amazing person I ever knew. The world is poorer for having lost her.

Forgive me if I don’t reply to comments like usual. I’ll come back and read sooner or later. Good night