2020 ain't so bad

The most popular pastime on the inter webs these days is to shit on 2020 as a disastrous year that everyone wishes they could have skipped. Well, I’d like to chime in on behalf of this much maligned annum.

For starters, unlike the two years previous, no one I love has died in 2020 (so far). My daughter began the 9th grade at an entirely new school with all new kids and environment, and she is thriving beyond my wildest expectations. She loves her teachers and class mates and is enthusiastic about getting up for school in the morning, something that hasn’t happened since kindergarten. Let’s all let that sink in a moment: a teenager enthusiastic about getting up for school. She is rocking all As, was on the varsity volleyball squad and is getting involved in school clubs.


I got two NIH grants and a couple of good papers out, much to the applause of my department chair, and I hired a new technician who seems like he’ll work out great.

I was able to up my exercise routine such that 30 mile rides at sustained speed are easy for me now. At age 52, I feel stronger than I have in years.


There are countless other little things that have gone right, and of course ones that have gone wrong. But overall, 2020 hasn’t been such a bad year for me. There is still time, I know. I don’t want to jinx it. But I’m going to look on the bright side of life for now.

What are some of the good things that have happened to you in 2020?