Tracy Morgan and a $2-million dollar fender-bender

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What does a $2-million dollar fender-bender look like?

Yesterday, comedian Tracy Morgan bought a beautiful, $2-million dollar Bugatti Veyron Grand Sport in New York City. And in typical New York City fashion, got into fender-bender immediately after driving it off the lot.


Considering the bad luck he’s had, you would imagine that the universe would at least give the guy a break. Unfortunately, chaos took the form of a distracted driver of a Honda CR-V. She apparently decided looking at her phone was more important than driving her SUV.

The even crazier thing is that the driver of the CR-V reportedly didn’t know who Tracy Morgan was. All she knew was that immediately after the accident, Tracy Morgan stepped out of his Bugatti to bang on the woman’s window while screaming “Get the [REDACTED] out of the car!”


While I’m sure that was scary, I don’t sympathize with her. The NYPD officer on the scene reported that she did not have the right of way when the incident occurred. Whether she was on her cell phone or not when the incident happened, I have zero tolerance for distracted drivers. Plus, it’s a $2-million dollar fender-bender! I’d be pissed too if I bought my dream car, only to have a distracted driver immediately hit my car!

I hope she has good insurance!

View this post on Instagram 😆yo why this fool hit Tracey Morgan Bugatti wit a Uber upTown. LOL I know he tight right now, all the fun over today. Hahahaha #lecheminduroi #bransoncognac A post shared by 50 Cent (@50cent) on Jun 4, 2019 at 12:37pm PDT