Working from home, the Old Fashioned way

Illustration for article titled Working from home, the Old Fashioned way

I am Dan, a 3D designer, and this is how I work...

Hope your work from home procedures are as tasty as mine.

While I am generally a lazy homebody, I don’t like it, I’d much rather be working in our studio face to face with my design team, but you’ve got to find a way to enjoy the little things.


I am adjusting. Really just happy to still be working, I know not everyone is as fortunate. Our industry got punched in the face by Rona, hard, so we are refocusing our efforts trying to adapt to the new landscape. Lots of marketing and pitch meetings for some new, social-distance-friendly technology. Not sure how much longer we’ll be able to keep going, hopefully some clients start biting.

Anyway, hope all of you Oppos out in Opptopia keep on keeping on. It's fun seeing everyone’s stay-at-home shenanigans!


Have some music to keep you movin’ this evenin’

Also, Miata for no good reason whatsoever

Illustration for article titled Working from home, the Old Fashioned way