Motorcycle Road Trip, Day 10: Giant Trees and the road back home

I started out the last day of my trip on the coast in Northern California. I left at the crack of dawn and headed North on 101 into a dense fog. It was surprisingly cold and everything was covered in a layer of condensation. I stopped a few miles in and put on my warmer layers. It was in the low 40s with light rain and it was sucking the heat right out of me. I headed North for about an hour before hitting the last park of the trip.

Illustration for article titled Motorcycle Road Trip, Day 10: Giant Trees and the road back home

I arrived at Redwood National Park shortly after sunrise and the ride through was magical. I didn’t see another car the whole time, there were patches of low hanging fog all around the trees . Being the star wars geek that I am, it felt like I was riding a speeder-bike through Endor (only without the crashing part)

Illustration for article titled Motorcycle Road Trip, Day 10: Giant Trees and the road back home

The scale of these trees is truly impressive I tried to take photos of the woods, but everything is huge and is just looks like normal trees. I took pictures with my bike for scale

Illustration for article titled Motorcycle Road Trip, Day 10: Giant Trees and the road back home

I couldn’t spend very much time in the park, the rain had been chilling me to the bone on the hour ride in. I needed a place to stop a for a bit and warm up. I stopped in the next town and got some coffee. Didn’t even drink it, just held it in my hands for a while to get some warmth.

I briefly considered jumping on I5 rather than continuing up the coast. Knowing everything would heat up 10 degrees if I got away from the Ocean made it a fairly tempting option, but I5 is such a soul sucking (boring) experience that I decided against it. I put on an extra layer and continued North on the coast hoping the fog and rain would burn off.

Illustration for article titled Motorcycle Road Trip, Day 10: Giant Trees and the road back home

After about 50 miles or so the sun finally peeked out and it started to warm up. I kept heading up the coast on 101. Being a Friday, there was a little bit of traffic to deal with, but the road is so broken up by little towns with low speeds limits that I was fine with a relaxed pace.


Seeing the end in sight, I didn’t stop much along this route. Hard to really describe, I did not want the trip to end, but in that last 300 miles I only wanted to get back home to my own bed. I arrived back in the Portland area just in time to experience the Friday afternoon rush hour...

Illustration for article titled Motorcycle Road Trip, Day 10: Giant Trees and the road back home

Total Miles: 3053

Total Miles for the Day: 424

Highest Elevation: 1141

Lowest Elevation: -118

Killer Piece of Gear: Under Armor Cold Gear

Best part of the day: Riding through Redwood Forest

Worst part of the day: The cold

Final Thoughts

I can’t really put into words how amazing this whole trip was. I hadn’t done any really long distance touring before this and wasn’t sure if I was going to like it. I almost bailed after the first two days didn’t meet my expectations, but am so thankful I didn’t. I saw more cool stuff in 10 days than I thought possible, and experiencing it on the back of a motorbike added a whole extra dimension to traveling. I’m already planning my next trip.