Hypothetical, but highly likely

Illustration for article titled Hypothetical, but highly likely

In an effort for find something that a little larger than the fiesta (bar set very low), I have two options for consideration. Both ‘13, a chevy volt with 90K for $6200 or a focus (5 speed) with 80K for $5300.


Pros for volt: Mileage (could theoretically commute both ways without using gas), looks better in my opinion, 700 lbs heavier means better freeway riding, not a strong suite for the fiesta

Cons for volt: Battery degradation, I haven’t heard too many stories, but its a variable to consider. Slightly more expensive on the outset


Pros for focus: Cheaper price, more cargo room (hatch), no batteries to worry about

Cons for focus: higher gas bill, not really much different than my current fiesta.

