Europpomeet 2020 Spring meet date set! 6-10 April

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Quick update: After a poll we have set the date for the 2020 Europpomeet. 6-10 April, it is the week leading up to Easter. Location: to be determined. SAVE THE DATE!


We tend to use the ‘working’ days for the trip itself. The weekends can be used to travel to the location(s). The Friday (Good Friday) tends to be a public holiday in many places, which saves you a day of holiday to take.


Read more about our last spring meet here:


There is an upcoming meet in on the Mediterranean island of Mallorca (Spain) later this October. We still have space in the house (with swimming pool) we have rented. Find it under Pegaso in Campanet. Costs per person: an utterly laughable €60 per person, total, for 5 nights. So €12 euros per night per person :) Fully insured rental car: €100-150 for 5 days. I paid €67 for my two-way flight...