Trying to convince my coworker to go look at a manual X5

There is a manual X5 not too far from me, and I’m trying to convince my coworker to at least go look at it.

Illustration for article titled Trying to convince my coworker to go look at a manual X5

I should probably preface this with the fact that my coworker owns an E30 which he swapped an M52 in and dailys an ex-work truck, which I call the work truck:

The work truck next to my E92 and another coworkers 4 series.
The work truck next to my E92 and another coworkers 4 series.

It’s a 2005 Silverado with ~215k on it, and it won’t maintain speed on the highways when traversing hills. So what could be a good replacement? This X5.

Illustration for article titled Trying to convince my coworker to go look at a manual X5

At $3200, it’s not a terrible price for a pretty uncommon X5, it looks like it’s got some cosmetic issues, but other than that looks pretty clean.