Fun fact: you can renew your passport via mail if you accidentally put it through a washing machine

Illustration for article titled Fun fact: you can renew your passport via mail if you accidentally put it through a washing machine

Back in spring of 2010 I decided I needed a break from school and decided not to take summer classes that year. In fact that would be the only semester I took off from college, but that’s not the point. During that summer, really the only thing my dad required of me was to get my passport, which I begrudgingly got. At the time, I thought it was pointless, but since he was paying both for it and school, I obliged. I really can’t remember why I didn’t want to get it, probably because it was something I had to do.


This was back in June of 2010, which means my passport expires in June of this year, 2020. As a result I would need to renew my passport before then, and since I was planning on going to Belgium in April, I figured I should probably do it sooner rather than later in case I ran into an issue renewing it.

What issue might I run into? Well, the website makes it pretty clear that the passport had to be undamaged.

Illustration for article titled Fun fact: you can renew your passport via mail if you accidentally put it through a washing machine

Back in 2014, someone may or may not have accidentally washed their passport in Russia. It got a little beat up. I wasn’t sure if that fell into the normal wear and tear category or not; however, since washing it, I had used it to travel. It got me, most importantly, out of Russia and back into the US, in and out of the UK, and in and out of Costa Rica. As a result, I was somewhat confident that they would accept it.


Luckily, I was correct and I got my new passport in the mail yesterday, which is somewhat coincidental because I also booked a plane ticket to Belgium yesterday.

Illustration for article titled Fun fact: you can renew your passport via mail if you accidentally put it through a washing machine