Does anyone need a mega sporty car?

If so, I’ve found one for you.

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This E92 328i appeared in an ad on my Instagram this morning, so I clicked on it. What really compelled me to click on it was the “mega sporty!” banner in the corner of the picture.

What makes it mega sport? Must be automatic transmission and lack of sport pack.

Illustration for article titled Does anyone need a mega sporty car?

Or maybe that V6 engine makes it super sporty.

Illustration for article titled Does anyone need a mega sporty car?

Or maybe it the after market rims that really make it mega sporty.

Illustration for article titled Does anyone need a mega sporty car?

Maybe it’s a combination of all of them.

Illustration for article titled Does anyone need a mega sporty car?

What did we learn through all of this? I shouldn’t click on Instagram ads.