Ah Bethesda...

Decided maybe I’d give Fallout 76 a try since it’s on XBox Game Pass PC and Kotaku was making the dubious claim that it no longer sucks: They Finally Did It: Fallout 76 Is Pretty Good Now

And so...

Illustration for article titled Ah Bethesda...
Screenshot: Me

Screenshot: Me

Note that you can’t actually do anything from this screen either (even exit), dismissing the dialog just takes you back to the press any button screen, which brings back the dialog.


People seem to say that it’s due to installing on a drive other than C: (I’ve only got 45GB free there, so yeah no room for this), but that restarting might fix it. We’ll see. In any event, it’s good to see that Bethesda is keeping up its reputation for extremely high quality software.