Finally, the Delta Integrale is fully mine!

It took over a year for me to find the place to get the Delta home with me... Well, with my Mini sold earlier this week, now is the time! I brought it back home today (well, almost home, it’s at work for now as I need to do the timing belt and water pump before starting it again).

Illustration for article titled Finally, the Delta Integrale is fully mine!
Illustration for article titled Finally, the Delta Integrale is fully mine!
Illustration for article titled Finally, the Delta Integrale is fully mine!
Illustration for article titled Finally, the Delta Integrale is fully mine!
Illustration for article titled Finally, the Delta Integrale is fully mine!

If you want ot see it run for the first time in 10 years, that was filmed last year :)

It didn’t move since that video, but it will be back on the road in a few weeks!

It’s Delta time!! :D