I Took A Week Off The Internet

And it was everything I though it would be. It wasn’t really intentional, and I did check weather, login to work for 20 minutes to help out, and checked my personal email some. But I didn’t do much else, and it was glorious. What did I miss? I don’t even know yet, and don’t care. I’ll get back to real life tomorrow. Meanwhile, I will be dreaming of this:

I love this place.
I love this place.

My family spent the week at a lake, and it was HOT so we spent most of our time IN the water, and loved it. My wife and I got some much-needed time to ourselves, we had fun with the kids, we drank too much, didn’t sleep enough, saw lots of meteors, ate a lot of ice cream, and generally had a great time.

the view from our porch all week
the view from our porch all week


My son rode his bike to the store in his swimsuit to buy worms. Both kids caught fish, and lots of them. My son also started riding his bike without training wheels. I went days without going anywhere except by boat. We had ice cream for lunch. I swam before 9am most days. We burned through 50 gallons of gas in my boat. I accomplished nothing. It was fantastic.

Much to my surprise, when I checked Oppo just now I had a notification! Surprise, surprise, it was a comment on a post I wrote a few years ago now, on how to diagnose a boat that won’t start. Evidently, when you google ‘boat won’t start’ it is one of the first-page results. Yikes. Well anyway, that reminds me, on the very first day of our vacation my boat wouldn’t start. Ironic? Nah, it’s a boat, it’s gonna break. But I know this, and I have anticipated most of the common problems, so I had a spare part on hand and fixed it myself in 5 minutes with a $6.99 part. I would hate to have been That Guy Whose Boat Wouldn’t Start on Day One of His Precious Family Vacation Week, and I’m not, so yay for self-reliance I guess.

vacation mode: engage
vacation mode: engage

The pic above is how the boat looked for the better part of three days. We dropped the kids off at summer camp for the morning, went into town for coffee, then went out somewhere interesting on the lake to paddle around, before picking the kids up at 12:30 to eat lunch in the boat. Not a bad schedule at all. Amazingly, those boards were quite stable just like you see them, even at speed.


Anyway, how ya been? I’ll probably be going to sleep promptly because I’m exhausted, but I’ll be interested to read about things in the morning. I hope all is well, and I *sort of* look forward to getting back into things tomorrow. I think.
