So after I sold our “third” car (not counting the truck) last Friday, my wife’s 2015 Mini decided “Hey, let’s throw a party code!” Of course, if you believe the internet, Minis are horrible, unreliable pieces of crap. But so are old BMWs and I owned two of those over the last 10 years and never once did one of them break down on me.

source: motor1.com - pictured: a lightly modified Mini
source: motor1.com - pictured: a lightly modified Mini

So I pulled out my code scanner and found U019D. Google doesn’t lead me to much except a few forum posts from owners who found that to be a faulty sensor on the radiator. Sweet, replace sensor, clear code, have a nice day, right? LOL nope, the whole radiator gets replaced because you can’t separate the sensor. I know you can’t diagnose your car with any certainty based on a few forum posts, but I’ve been at this long enough, I have a feeling that this is what’s going to happen.*

So ooookkkaaaayyyy I guess I’m calling the dealer because this car is a 2015 and it’s covered by a 4-year complete warranty from purchase date. I don’t know what the purchase date is, though, because we’re the second owner. “Hello, Mini Service.... yes sir it looks like you’re covered... for THREE MORE DAYS!”


They did say that it should (I couldn’t get the word would out of them) be covered because I called and made the appointment within the coverage period even if I can’t get it there until next week. But I don’t take chances with stuff like that with dealerships. I called yesterday, and it’s going there TODAY.

Wish me luck! Oh and the Volvo is at the glass shop for a leaky windshield. HOW DO THESE CARS KNOW


*One reason I feel this way is that no joke, the exact same thing happened with our Volvo last summer, around the same time no less. Faulty sensor in the radiator. Solution = replace entire radiator. The sensor in both cases serves the same purpose, something environmental. Seems like a theme.