Come on, I bet you can guess what kind of car this plate was on...


Illustration for article titled VLADTHE





















YUP, a Saturn VUE. Like this one:

Illustration for article titled VLADTHE

Ohhhh, you thought IMPALA, like Vlad the IMPALER, but no, it seems that Vlad sold his Impala. Or John sold his Impala that he named Vlad, whatever. Because I know I’ve seen the same plate on a late-model Impala before. Oh well, best to keep the obscure vanity plate and really confuse people.

Speaking of obscurity, I see a Suzuki Kazashi almost every day on my commute, with Vermont plates. Why does that matter? Beacuse when I see it, I’m about 65 miles from Vermont, and if I had to guess, I doubt the driver’s destination is in my town, so they’re putting on a solid 150 miles a day on that thing. Not only is it rare to begin with, but it’s gotta be running some high miles these days.


That’s all I’ve got.