A First For Me

Illustration for article titled A First For Me

Since it’s supposed to be super hot the next couple days, and I’m all kinds of psyched about my new bike, I did something I’ve never done before. I woke up at 5:30 (made coffee for wife and waited for her to finish her workout before leaving), was on my bike by 6:30, on top of this mountain by 7:15. Then the best part, a 25 minute descent! Then a shower, hugs and kisses for wife and kids, and I was at work by 8:30.


My wife and I celebrated our sort-of anniversary last night (our daughter’s birthday falls on our anniversary so we picked a different day), so we had a fabulous dinner with equally fabulous drinks. So... this morning I wasn’t feeling it but I had committed to ride, so off I went. Man, it was worth it. I feel fantastic, and it was so nice being up on that mountain “early” in the morning.

Here’s a view of the same mountain from where I’m working right now (it’s the highest point in the background):

Illustration for article titled A First For Me

My wheels:

Illustration for article titled A First For Me

When I got to work I stopped in the dining hall to see if I could scrounge up breakfast of more substance than a bagel, and there just happened to be a group finishing up a full-service breakfast. “There’s plenty still if you want some.” Eggs, bacon, toast, hash browns. F-ing jackpot.

I need more coffee.