Me Right Now UPDATE 2 - It's happening

UPDATE II - Return of the Update: Uh, yeah so we signed a P&S today on the piece of land next to our own. It will give us 12.03 acres total in a great location, and our tax bill will actually go down (conservation land FTW). Closing by the end of the month, hopefully. I’ve been looking at buying 100's of evergreen seedlings in the spring and basically planting our own forest - around 4 acres was totally clear-cut this fall. The higher elevation / more level area will have smaller vegetation, e.g. wildflower / mixed field blend, to keep a view open. And then very little else besides weed whacking and trail building. Camping, too I think. I will also cut some more trees (ironically) between the two parcels, to remove the screen of trees blocking our view to the NW from our house. I was waiting to see what happened with that land before making that move. So here we are. Free* firewood! *not counting a) purchase price of land or b) my extensive labor in cutting, hauling, splitting, and stacking said firewood.

***Scroll all the way down to see the view!***

update 10:37am - The realtor called back! I said some large numbers over the phone that are meaningless in Real Life, but do represent a number of currency units, which can be exchanged for goods or services; in this case, hopefully, some land. Can we even truly own land? Don’t the things we own wind up owning us, in some way? Let’s not get philosophical here, though. Just take my offer and let me start building mountain bike trails. There may be another update ... later. Now I’m going skiing with my son and totally not checking my phone every 5 minutes.


She said, “It’s a strong offer.”


We’re trying to buy 6+ acres of land next to ours. The listing went live and we have been waiting 11 years for this opportunity; I was hoping to get an offer in before it was visible to the general public, because it’s a desirable piece of land in a very desirable location (hence why we’re there in the first place). But it went live, and I already got a text from a friend who has been trying for YEARS to buy land in this town. I may or may not have physically threatened him.

We want this land. I called the realtor yesterday, we talked, I said I’d call in the morning with a number. I have a number. I called and it went to voicemail.




slightly more info:

We have reason to believe that the seller would do well to sell to us, given what we know about the land and our relationship to it. The seller knows this, because we’ve discussed it directly. We hope this will give us some consideration in our offer which is almost certain not to be the only one. The seller already did us the favor of letting us know it was coming up for sale, but it went live before we were able to get our proverbial ducks in a row.


Fingers crossed!

Illustration for article titled Me Right Now UPDATE 2 - Its happening