Almost There

Hey been a little while since I actually posted something other than a snide comment. And I don’t have anything brilliant or clever, but this is the internet, so here’s an unrelated picture.

Illustration for article titled Almost There

This was Franconia Notch yesterday around 11:00am. I skied up there for a bit

(Cannon Mountain is just visible on the right), then worked in the afternoon. They’ve been getting snow a few inches at a time since last week, so it was really pretty good, in a season where there was visible bare ground on trails without snowmaking even at the end of January.

Tonight is the final ski jump meet of the season for my team; the State Championship! We will not win. But the weather should be nice, in the 20's anyway. The school was closed today due to snow, and there was a chance of it being postponed to tomorrow, which would have been miserable - temps in the single digits at the start of the meet, and dropping. No other school was cancelled, but because mine was, it jeopardized the whole competition (for tonight). I was ecstatic when our Athletic Director informed me at 10:00am that we’d be allowed to go despite the school closure.


I am very eager for this season to be over. Coaching this team on top of my regular job and also juggling kid pickup and drop-off with my parents and others, not to mention just the normal responsibilities of “life” really leaves me feeling stretched thin and like I’m not doing anything as well as I could. I’m excited to enjoy the best part of winter now, and have my non-existent free time back. These last 6 weeks have been a real roller coaster for me personally, I lose my patience with my own kids more easily than I should because I have so many things on my mind and in my schedule. I start to wonder if it’s worth it, trying to do it all at the expense of a single instance of getting upset with my wonderful children for no good reason. I think I should quit the coaching thing, but then, it’s more rewarding than my regular job in so many ways. Which, by the way, is another source of dismay for me right now, as I don’t have the time to advance even as opportunities are practically being handed to me because - you guessed it - I just don’t have the time. So... anyway I’m looking forward to the coming simplification, and I hope to be able to give more to my real job, to my kids, and to my wife.

Nothing to report on the car front, because that’s what happens when you sell your old BMW and daily drive a modern Volvo wagon instead. Soon, I’ll write up something about my boat because I’m in a dilemma and plus I like thinking about the boat around this time of year.


That’s all for now. Cheers.

Illustration for article titled Almost There