Look What the Easter Bunny Brought Me

Illustration for article titled Look What the Easter Bunny Brought Me

Ok so I already HAD this boat, but a friend brought it up to my house for me so I could get some work done on it. I always have a long list of things to do before launching it in the spring, none of which typically happen on that one nice hot day that the family really just wants to get out. So I do the minimum, then try to find a day mid-summer to do a whole bunch of catch-up.


But now I’ve got time here and there, so I figured, if it’s at my house I’ll actually get a lot done while it’s still cold out.

So this morning I fired the parts cannon and ordered up a bunch of stuff - I’d rather get this stuff locally, but it’s easier to just order it, especially now.


Here’s my list right now, more or less in order of priority.

  • tap and replace one v-drive drain plug (this is the ONLY one that is strictly mandatory as the plug kind of broke off in the fall and I cannot run the boat without doing this)
  • fuel filter
  • cap & rotor
  • spark plugs (no idea how old they are
  • change engine oil

  • change transmission oil
  • change v-drive transmission oil (oh the joy of 3 oil changes)
  • replace impeller
  • replace belts (they have to come off for the impeller job, so why not, no idea how old they are)

All that stuff is more or less standard PM that I will 100% do. The rest is the stuff I want to do, but will depend on time.

  • build a better platform for the batteries, which are currently sitting on a piece of plywood on one of the ballast tanks but otherwise not fastened to anything
  • find a way to mount the heater to the floor other than gravity
  • relocate the battery switch for better access and fasten it down
  • replace some of the common drain plugs with quick-drains
  • replace hoses coming from t-stat
  • relocate water strainer for better access
  • clean, clean, and clean some more
  • replace head unit with newer one for better bluetooth tech (ability to adjust system volume by using physical volume buttons on the phone)
  • buff & wax exterior *

* this one is an enormous undertaking and will probably not happen (function over fashion, after all


Then, soon:

Illustration for article titled Look What the Easter Bunny Brought Me
don’t mind that mismatched center seat there... nothing to see... move along
don’t mind that mismatched center seat there... nothing to see... move along
Illustration for article titled Look What the Easter Bunny Brought Me