Bagpipes, Aplen Horns and Dinosaur Jeeps

All the necessary ingredients for a proper 4th of July parade.

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Illustration for article titled Bagpipes, Aplen Horns and Dinosaur Jeepsem/em
Dat Mustache! (fake)
Dat Mustache! (fake)
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To be fair Sandy has a historically large Scandic population. Case in point my mother in law is from Norway as were a lot of her neighbors.

There were also quiet a few Corvettes there, as a reminder that you are free to meet a Golden Corral before 5 for a cheaper meal

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Nothing too special, mostly C5 but some of everything except C2.

Also say an Osprey’s butt. so that was pretty cool

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Illustration for article titled Bagpipes, Aplen Horns and Dinosaur Jeepsem/em

And of course what would the 4th be without indisposed, haphazardly dressed boy scouts presenting the flag at a morning breakfast guessed it...breakfast burritos.

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Illustration for article titled Bagpipes, Aplen Horns and Dinosaur Jeepsem/em

Happy 4th