Morning - Story time

Morning everyone, hope people are having more fun on their holiday break than I am. Im in a lonely office building working away. I don’t mind really I have stuff to do and its quiet. I got to work on some fun stuff on the weekend - working on the boat is kinda like working on a project car, its not really a chore so thats nice.

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And the good news is that I didn’t break it winterizing it myself, despite the fact that I forgot the 7th drain plug that I didn’t know existed (ooops) and not plugging the batteries in.

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Bad news is that I didn’t get so lucky with the cabin and there is a new valve needed.

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the winterization procedure for this place is annoying complex. Hoping to install a blow out fitting soon to just ram some air through it and hope that does the trick.

Okay, story time. There is turn I take every day going into work, it’s a double left but the road it turns onto is one more people need to turn right at the next light. There is plenty of time to double left and merge together for the right though (800+ feet). Its very common that people in the inside lane move into the outside lane after the turn to turn right. Legally, safely and without being pushy. NBD.

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There is a van in the outside (red) lane and no one in the inside lane, so I take that spot. light turns green and I gun it. I figure if Im going to move over anyway I might as well be the one wasting my gas to make enough space to make the merge, that way I don’t have to worry about people in the outside line feeling cutoff if they are stacked up. Traffic was non-existent today so I wasn’t worried. Anyway, I’m about mid corner and I hear this terrible noise. I wonder if my idler pulley seized or I flipped a belt. no, that’s not it. Am I losing traction? Possible but not likely. I have 285 section tires I weigh 5500 lbs and Im working with 130-150 whp. Im looking around to see what’s up and then I wonder where the van that was right next to me at the light was? Not in my rear view. I look over and there he is, right next me to...flipping me off. I didn’t merge over, I wasn’t in his lane, I didn’t crowd him on the turn. WTH?! Oh, pretty sure he figured out what I was doing and didn’t like it for some reason or another and had slammed the gas, spun his tires like man possessed and prevented me from performing my planned maneuver.


I didn’t know what to do but laugh. I mean, I was busting a gut. Why so angry dude? I mean...really? I pulled in behind him and made the right, then he turned right again a little while later off the road, I blew him a kiss as I drove by, laughing my butt off.

I would love to hear your thoughts on this move on whether or not I deserved it, but honestly...I can’t see how I would. here is the street if you would like to see.

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Illustration for article titled Morning - Story time
Illustration for article titled Morning - Story time