Funny or bad taste?

It’s CruiserFest tomorrow here and I am volunteering to help which means i’ll be there first thing and all day. It also means I’ll get prime parking for the “show and shine” in the parking lot. I was thinking about putting a whole bunch of fake awards on my wholly unremarkable (compared to whats coming) Land Cruiser by means of good humor and not as offensive. The crowd should be mostly the non serious-have fun types but is this kind of this super offensive to people who are bringing their A-game to the show and shine? Or is this the right amount of satire for the idea of a show and shine for a Land Cruiser meet?

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EDIT: I need some good suggestions for phony awards. I was thinking

“Voted most”

“Runner up - blackest tire”

“Voted least likely to leave a driveway stain in the 3-5 foot category”
