Oh Doc Brown...

Illustration for article titled Oh Doc Brown...

watching BTTF 3 again (I know, I know) and I am bothered by a few things but the biggest is this


Doc brown built an ice machine, made his own super hot burning logs, has electricity in his shop in 1885 somehow...but he can’t distill enough ethanol to run a gas powered car for 5 minutes? Can’t capture enough methane and a basic pump to compress and store it and use it? HAS A GIGAWATT CLASS FUSION REACTOR, KNOWS HOW TO MAKE ELECTRIC MOTORS (shown in the film) AND CAN’T GET MARTY HOME?!?! Let’s not mention that Marty comes back to get him because they won’t have the required components to REPAIR the time machine he has but within 2 decades he builds another one out of a train...that FLIES?! p.s. it has no mr fusion, or plutonium...