Win some/Lose some

Current state of the bike

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Illustration for article titled Win some/Lose some

rear triangle fully pulled apart and bearings driven out. Just ordered a new bearing kit (surprisingly affordable and available) and I will be converting it rfom a 3x9 to a 1x11 and getting new tires and if the stars align a drop post. The win is that


A: I was able (with considerable effort) to get all the old bearings out.

B: I could find a replacement kit and not have to look for bearings individually

C: The bearings and the drivetrain parts are WAY more affordable than I was expecting.


The lose is that my project to add a MBP charger to the cruiser has failed. I bought this


Which promised me it could put out 64 watts at 20v for charging....if you feed it 24v.  So I bought a 24v converter which finally arrived from china a month later and works perfectly.  When I hook it all up though?  doesn’t work.  The MAC sees 5v and 20v alternatively and wont settle on a voltage and so no current will flow.  Balls.  I bought switches, relays, converters, etc.  All to wind up back at square one.  On well.  I could keep chasing this dragon and adding resistors to step down the voltage to 20v to see if it works, but I have a feeling it wont.  maybe I’ll create a pencil resistor just to see and go from there.