Peace and Strife

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Illustration for article titled Peace and Strife
Illustration for article titled Peace and Strife

I was able to get out of town to one of my happy places this weekend. On sunday I got to lie on the raft that was up against the shore are the water lapped against it while the sun made the mid 60's feel perfect.

I took a 10 minute video while I layed there semi asleep and I thought I would share. It came in handy last night as all my anxiety came back all at once and then some. I had a meeting with the family about the place I stayed and I realized that while my wife and I did a ton of work to clean the place up and get it ready...the way my family is operating under these “yellow” conditions pretty much exclude me from actually using it this summer. It was a major punch to the dick.


Basically they are going to treat the place as normal, while I can’t, both internally and by job requirement. I’m also super worried that since literally no one up there is taking this seriously and the population is about to surge from 5,000 to 50,000 that it’s going to be virus city and basically close the place down completely. The state park in 2019 (the marina) shower 520,000 visitors. That’s just people using the marina. It’s going to be crazy town and no one in town is following the rules...even the people compelled to. The big grocery store in town isn’t setting up social distancing, the workers aren’t wearing masks, there is no sanitization stations. ZERO efforts, and it’s a requirement. There was a group of 50 people waiting outside the local burger joint no social distancing, no masks.

I don’t mind telling you all mostly because you can’t not hear me out, that I’m super anxious and stressed about being one of the few people that seems to think these recommendations are important. It sucks to tell my kids they can’t hang out with their friends and cousins and grandparents. It sucks for me to not being to hang out with my family. It REALLY sucks to do all that and be seen as the troublesome oddball that has to defend policies I hate following. The whole state is acting like it’s NBD and I can’t figure out where I am supposed to be.


As I was not sleeping with this, the wind started ripping at my house, like 50 mph gusts. We haven’t had rain in about a month so it’s been distressing. So I put my headphones in and put this little video on and put my head down and I finally calmed down and fell asleep.