Question - Meeting place software

I need to find a substitute for Google+. Yes, really. My small group of off-road buddies is growing to the point where while everyone knows everyone else, we aren’t all in the same “circles.” I would like a central place for people to post stuff privately like trail runs and maps. Any ideas?

I’ve been using slack as an oppo moderator but as the other moderators here will attest, I’m not very good about checking it as I find its either WAY too needy (a billion notifications a second) or fully closed off and easy to ignore. Aint going to use facebook for many reasons, not the least of which is the fact that I don’t have a facebook account and I’m not keen to buy in now.


My hope is to find something with SSO for google and something that is really easy to pop in on. Ideally something that can send out a digest or you can email direct from the app to users.

MeWe any good?

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Photo: HHFP