I am Skeptical

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No, I don’t think if it left California this morning that it will be on my porch tomorrow.


1. Its FedEx and they have been reliably unreliable.

2. it was the cheap delivery service and I doubt they are in a hurry to get it to me.


That being said, I hope it will be here this weekend. I can’t go anywhere and this is one of the last things on my “project bring the cruiser into the 21st century”


Not my cruiser but exactly how it will look. Cerwin Vega 10 inch 200 watt hidden sub. Can’t wait for the stereo to have SOME level of bite to it. Im not expecting miracles, but I am expecting more than old Toyota 5 3/4 inch paper speakers can produce. This is the factor sub location (a hilarious 80-watt 5-inch paper speaker in free air that was dead and removed a while ago.)