Please allow me to gripe about shipping for a moment.

Ordered some handlebars from on Aug 17. Canadian seller, east coast, shipped quickly via Canada Post expedited parcels. Item was scanned in, then nothing since. Was supposed to arrive 2 days ago. No movement, no further eta.

Ordered a phone from Shipped via UPS from Texas, because of course it did. Ground. Went from Texas to Richmond BC in 4 days. Apparently they need another 4 days to transport it the rest of the way, which would be a 20 minute drive.


Ordered a battery stick vacuum from Ebay. Seller is in California. Shipped via FedEx. Should be quick, right? Well not so fast, because Ebay loves their stupid global shipping program so much that vacuum was shipped from California to Kentucky, just to have a label affixed to it and then shipped to BC. Estimated travel time: 22 days. Twenty two fucking days.

I already stopped ordering stuff from China because they couldn't get anything here in less than 3 months. If I ever learn I'll stop ordering stuff altogether. Tired of paying shipping companies for services that they apparently aren't able to provide in a reasonable amount of time without ever seeing a cent back when they completely blow their one job.